Special status of the Batken region
The border
Special status of the Batken region

The Government office has distributed information about the draft law "On the status of the Batken region", on giving a special status to the region. The document was developed on behalf of the President, based on the need to create conditions of the socio-economic development of the region. Taking into account the suggestions and comments received from the public, the draft Law was finalized and approved by a Government resolution and submitted to the Jogorku Kenesh.

The law provides for: strengthening the powers of the authorized representative of the Government in the Batken region and granting special powers and special status; powers to coordinate the activities of territorial divisions of state bodies and local self-government bodies and interaction with law enforcement agencies and law enforcement agencies. Creation of favorable conditions for the socio-economic development of the region with the formation of a Coordinating Council that will monitor, evaluate and control the development program; preferential financing mechanisms; a special procedure for the formation of the regional development budget; the introduction of a special tax and investment regime, as well as a special preferential regime for the provision of state and municipal services to the population of the region; the transfer of utilities and expenses for the maintenance of buildings and premises of educational organizations and cultural objects from local budgets to the republican budget, starting next year.