Special attention will be paid during the republican testing to the school graduates from the Batken region
The border
Special attention will be paid during the republican testing to the school graduates from the Batken region

Special attention will be paid during the republican testing to the school graduates from the Batken region.

All necessary measures to conduct the republican testing of the school graduates of the Batken province will be taken in time. This was announced by Ms. Nadira Djusupbekova, the Vice-Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, on the 3rd of May at the media briefing concerning the situation on the Kyrgyz - Tajik border.

 Education process was suspended in 39 schools and 25 preschool institutions of the province due to the events on the Kyrgyz - Tajik border, she said.

“Ten schools, three kindergartens, the dormitories of two lyceums and two vocational education institutions were accommodated by the evacuated population. For the evacuated pre-school and school - age children were organized the recreation and trainings by visiting teachers because of the parent's requests,” Ms. Nadira Djusupbekova said.

 She also added that education in a real time regime is scheduled to resume before the 7th of May, 2021, before the population's returning back their houses.

Pupils of the burned-out school “Maksat” will be assigned to continue their studies at the schools where their places of residence will be situated. There will be no disruption in the educational process.

A number of schools and kindergartens were destroyed. these buildings were situated in the Batken's district as Ak Say, B. Khodjaev secondary school; Orto-Boz, Momunov secondary school; Kyzyl-Bel, A. Masaliev secondary school; Kok-Tash, “Uchkun” kindergarten; in the Leilek district: Kulundui ayil okmotu, Maksat village; “Maksat-Seitek” kindergarten (the building was completely burnt down).

The “Maksat” school , which was commissioned in 2015, trained 200 children. The building is partially affected by fire and capital repairs are required.

 During the events at the Kyrgyz - Tajik border, 29 employees of educational institutions had their houses completely burned down, their 10 houses were looted and 3 of them were damaged during the shelling.

Media HQ of the Kyrgyz Republic