Border KR-RT: the situation is infriendly
Border KR-RT: the situation is infriendly

As of 10:15, the situation at the Kyrgyz-Tajik section of the state border continues to be tense.

In order to stop the fire and prevent the escalation of the conflict, telephone talks were held between the Director of the Border Service of the GKNB, Major General Ularbek Sharsheev, and the Commander of the Border Forces of the GKNB RT, Colonel General Rajabali Rahmonali. During the negotiations, the heads of the border agencies agreed on a ceasefire at 10:00 for a meeting. However, the Tajik side continues to shell Kyrgyz positions.

Starting at 8:30, the Border Service of the Kyrgyz Republic demands a ceasefire and negotiations. However, either at 8:30 or at 10:00, the Tajik side did not fulfill the agreements.